Why You Should Use an Insurance Broker

Taking out an insurance policy nowadays seems like one of the easiest things in the world. You can go on price comparison websites and before you know it you’re covered for holiday, car, home and business insurance. Job done, right? Well, not quite. In reality, taking the shortcut to getting insurance in this way may…

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How to Get Cheaper Car Insurance for Younger Drivers

Car insurance is notoriously more expensive for younger drivers than it is for older drivers. Many young people struggle to find an affordable deal, having to shop around extensively before settling for an underwhelming insurance plan with high premiums. As such, it pays for young people to know how to get cheaper car insurance, and…

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Buying Home Insurance: What Details Do I Need to Bring?

When you’re about to buy home insurance, there are a number of details that your insurance provider will require in order to process your policy successfully. Some may seem straightforward, whereas others may seem a little time consuming. Nevertheless, they are all important things to collect for your provider, so in this month’s article we’ll…

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Can a Security System Lower My Home Insurance Costs?

Although home insurance is essential for all homeowners and tenants, its necessity doesn’t mean it’s particularly cheap. However, your premium doesn’t have to be as expensive as it currently is, especially if you take a proactive approach and try to improve the security of your home. In this month’s article, we’ll be looking at how…

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Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Comparison Sites for the Best Insurance Deals

When looking for a good insurance deal, comparison sites are often our first port of call to blanket cover an entire range of deals available to us. Whilst comparison sites are a useful tool to establish a price range for your purpose, if you really want to find the best deal you can, you shouldn’t…

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