Insurance Tips for Homeowners

For the uninitiated, the world of insurance can be a minefield of mystery. How do you know that an insurance policy is right for you? Are you paying for more than you need? These are just a couple of the worries you may have when looking for home insurance. In this month’s article, we’ll be…

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Buying Home Insurance: What Details Do I Need to Bring?

When you’re about to buy home insurance, there are a number of details that your insurance provider will require in order to process your policy successfully. Some may seem straightforward, whereas others may seem a little time consuming. Nevertheless, they are all important things to collect for your provider, so in this month’s article we’ll…

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Can a Security System Lower My Home Insurance Costs?

Although home insurance is essential for all homeowners and tenants, its necessity doesn’t mean it’s particularly cheap. However, your premium doesn’t have to be as expensive as it currently is, especially if you take a proactive approach and try to improve the security of your home. In this month’s article, we’ll be looking at how…

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The Ins and Outs of Home Insurance

Life is a winding road full of curveballs that can come from all angles and at any time, and the key to coming out the other side unscathed is to ensure you’re prepared for anything. Insuring your home and its contents is just one of a multitude of ways you can cover your back should…

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Top Tips for Protecting Your Home

Our homes are our safe retreats from the world, but houses can become damaged or robbed, leaving the families who reside in them feeling unsafe. Here we present some top tips for protecting your home against all kinds of damage to help you keep your loved ones safe. Protection from burglary Trim the bushes: Shrubs…

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Home insurance explained: renovations, extensions and buildings insurance

Home insurance is a vital aspect of owning or renting a property, protecting your treasured possessions and providing you with peace of mind that they are safe and secure even when you are not at home. There are various factors and aspects of your property which can affect the type of home insurance you should…

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