Can a Security System Lower My Home Insurance Costs?

Although home insurance is essential for all homeowners and tenants, its necessity doesn’t mean it’s particularly cheap. However, your premium doesn’t have to be as expensive as it currently is, especially if you take a proactive approach and try to improve the security of your home. In this month’s article, we’ll be looking at how a security system can lower your home insurance costs.

Burglar Alarms

Working both when you’re asleep and when you’re out of the house, burglar alarms are one of the most effective ways to reduce your insurance premium and to deter burglars. Motion detectors placed in rooms downstairs will set the alarm off if tripped. Sensors attached to your front and back doors will also provide protection against anyone coming in through them.

It is also worth installing security lights in your garden. This will deter potential thieves because it makes them easier to spot and therefore identify. Furthermore, security lights will allow your security cameras to record intruders, which brings us onto our next point.


If you install CCTV on your premises, notify your insurance provider immediately to see if this reduces your premium. Cameras not only help police in the aftermath of a break-in, they also act as an invaluable deterrent to thieves.

However, if you do opt for CCTV you will need to inform your neighbours of your decision. You will have to ensure that your cameras aren’t pointed towards their property in case they don’t want to be filmed, so you need to discuss this with them to see what they are comfortable with.

Can a Security System Lower My Home Insurance Costs?

Safes and Padlocks

Insurance providers will likely lower their quotes if you possess a safe for your most valuable belongings. Again, this adds an extra level of protection for your goods against a potential burglar, making it less likely that you will have anything stolen. You should store the safe upstairs and keep it out of sight to maximise its usefulness.

But the lockdown of your home and belongings shouldn’t be confined to purchasing a safe – padlocks for your gates and suitable locks for your windows and doors are great ways of improving security and lowering insurance costs. Remember to lock up at night to ensure your property is fully secure.

Through these measures you can hope to lower your premium. Across the board, if your home security is tighter the cost of your home insurance will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is wise to invest in such security measures in order to save money in the long run.

Safes and Padlocks

The Insurance Store offer unbeatable car insurance policies from our base in the St Albans and Harpenden area. Whatever your insurance needs, we’re here to help. We pride ourselves on our ability to beat quotes given by price comparison websites and our professional team are excellent at seeking out the perfect package for your needs. So for friendly advice or a no obligation quote, contact our team today.